середа, 27 січня 2016 р.

Урок Моє рідне село (8 клас)

Тема: моє село
Мета: розвивати навички аудіювання, діалогічного, монологічного, спонтанного мовлення; створити на уроці комунікативну ситуацію з реального життя з метою заохочення учнів до висловлення своїх думок, вираження почуттів, використання життєвого досвіду.
Сприяти розвиткові мовної здогадки, логічного та творчого мислення учнів.
Стимулювати інтерес учнів до вивчення предмета за допомогою цікавих форм роботи та додаткового обладнання.
Виховувати любов до свого села, до людей праці.
Обладнання: підручник, роздатковий матеріал, аудіозапис, комп’ютер, мультимедійна дошка.
Тип уроку: засвоєння нових знань.
Форма роботи: парна, групова, колективна, рольова гра.
                                                          Хід уроку
І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення
1. Привітання
T. Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you.
What a fine morning!
The day is suuny and bright.
My dear children, and I right?
Ps. Yes, you are right.
T. Haw are you?
Ps. Fine, thank you.
T. Do you like English lesson?
Ps. Yes, we do.
1.     Повідомлення теми та мети уроку
Today we’ll do many interesting things. We shall speak about…
Loot at this train. Solve the puzzle and you’ll understand everything.it is written on the blackboard as a code. Each number refers to the number of the letter in the alphabet. These pictures may also help you. They are connected with our today’s topic. Who will be first?
14   1   20   9    22   5            22     9    12   12    1    7     5   
Children, the subject of our today’s lesson is “Our village”. The motto of the lesson is “There is no place, more delightful than home”. (Marcus Cicero).
Today you will take part in the presentation of your village, ask questions and answer them; recite poems, listen, play a role play about the advantages of the life in a village.
3.Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.
1. Мовленнєва розминка.
-         How are you, my dear children?
-         Are you angry? (No, we are not)
-         Are you sad? (No, we are not)
-         You are merry! (Yes, we are)
-         You are clever! (Yes, we are)
-         You are very, very kind! (Yes, we are).
1.     Гра « Cities and towns». Учитель або один з учнів загадує якесь місто України. Інші учні ставлять йому запитання, намагаючись з’ясувати, яке саме місто він загадав.
     -   Is this the capital of Ukraine?
- No.
- Is this a large city?
- Yes.
- Is it Kharkiv?
- No.
- Does it stand on the river Psel?
- Yes.
- Is it Sumy?
- Yes.
II. Основна частина уроку
1.     Метод «Мікрофон». Учень у ролі репортера бере інтерв’ю.
-         Is your village big or small?                                                                                 
-         What is there in your village?
-         Do you live in the center of the village?
-         What street do you live in?
-         Are the houses in your street modern?
-         Is your school far from your house or near it?
-         Is your street beautiful?
-         Is there a river in your village?
-         Do you like your village?
2.     Складання учнями діалогів на тему “Село».
3.     Фонетична зарядка.
Now look at the blackboard, read the poem and think of the title of this poem.
Some people live in the country
Where the houses are very small.
Some people live in the city,
Where the houses are very tall.
But in the country
Where the houses are very small.
The garden are very big.
And in the city
Where the houses are tall
There are no gardens at all.
4.     Рольова гра про переваги сільського життя.
And now let’s play the role-play about the advantages of the life in a village. Imagine you are a sociologist. You ask people about the advantages of the life of the village. You stop people in the street to ask them a few questions.
1.     In a village there are not many buses, trolley-buses or trams. There is no metro here. There are not many big streetsand bridges in it. But there is not much noise here either.
2.     In the evening you can see how the sun goes to sleep. In a village you can hear how birds sing. They sing their beautiful songs for everybody.
3.     In a village many people know each other and in towns they run and run and don’t look at each other.
4.     In a village children always say “Good afternoon!” to old people and other grows-ups. Even if they don’t know them they greet them. It is a tradition.
5.     In a village when people are working in the field or kitchen-garden and other people are passing by they say to the workers, “Let go help you!”. It is a tradition too.
6.     In towns only dogs and cats live in flats. But in villages there are many domestic animals and birds: cows, horses, goats, sheep, rabbits, hens, ducks, turkeys and geese. We have dogs and cats too, but they don’t live in the houses. Usually they live in the yard.
7.     Перевірка домашнього завдання. Презентація села. (СД-диск)
T. And now we come to the presentation of our village. Are you ready? Let’s begin our presentation.
1. Welcome to our village.                                                                                            
There’s friendship here,
Laughter you are sure to hear.
Happiness is yours to share
With people who sincerely care.
2.The people here, so good and true
With smiles of warmth to welcome
2.     Come inside – find happiness.
All who enter through this door
Are friends of ours for evermore. And ect.
8.     Розповіді окремих учнів про село, вулицю, будинок.
9.     А тепер уявіть, що ви на ринку. Як ви будете презентувати свою продукцію гостям. Розповіді дітей з малюнками, речами.
10.                       Вікторина. (Додаток )
11.                        Учень читає свій вірш.
Welcome to our village
Hi! My name is Dmytro.
I’m a schoolboy from Kyrykivka.
And it’s a very beautiful village.
You can travel there by bus.
But unfortunately not first class.
You can also travel there by
Bicycle, motorcycle and course by cars.
You can travel there by train
Because we have a railway.
So, welcome to our village.
There’s friendship here,
Laughter you are sure to hear,
Happiness is yours to share
With people who sincerely care.
The people here, so good and true
With smiles of warms to welcome you.
ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку
Summing-up. Hometask.
T. Well, the lesson is coming to end but first your home task. Your home task for the next lesson is:
To read the text p. 90;
To write ex. 5 p. 87
Підведення підсумків уроку.
Бесіда в режимі Т-Р1 – Р2 – Р3

T. Children, your work is excellent today. Well done! Did you like our lesson? What did we do? What topic we discuss at the lesson today?  What interesting facts have you learned about our native village? It’s time to say “Good-bye!” to each other. See you soon! Good luck!

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