середа, 27 січня 2016 р.

Урок Моє рідне село (5 клас)

Тема: Моє рідне село
Мета уроку:
Навчальна: повторити та закріпити лексику за темою; розвивати мовленнєві навички за темою з використанням рольової гри; розвивати навички аудіювання;
Розвивальна: формувати навички порівняння фактів;
Виховна: розширити світогляд учнів на основі матеріалу про своє село; прищеплювати любов до рідного краю.
Обладнання: малюнки, краєвиди села, магнітофон, комп’ютер, мультимедійна дошка
                                             Хід уроку
І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення
1. Привітання
T. Good morning, pupils! I am glad to see you!
Ps: Good morning, teacher! We are glad to see you too!
T. The weather is good,
     The morning is bright.
     How are you?
Ps: We are all right.
      We are happy to see you
      With all our might.
T. I’d like to start our lesson.
How do you feel?
-         I am tited.
-         I am sad.
-         I am happy.
-         I’m bored.
-         I’m surprised.
2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку
The topic of our lesson is “My native village”. You’ll be able to speak about our village, people of village. You will ptactice in reading, listening, writing and speaking.
3. Фонетична зарядка
Trams and cars in our town
Run up and down,
Stop, look at the light!
First look to the left
Then look to the right.
ІІ. Основна частина уроку
1.     Мовленнєва розминка
T. Some people think that the place where they were born is the best on the Earth.
Others move to other cities or countries and live there. Do you know any English proverbs about it?
P1. There is no place like home.
P2. Home, sweet home.
P3. East or West home is best.
P4. I strongly disagree. The best place for me is my granny’s place. I feel quiet. She allows me to do every think I want.
P5. I disagree. My cousin and his family moved to Canada. They are very happy there. Their home is far from away now! І т.д.
2.     Активізація лексики. Скласти речення.
A house, a garden, fields, geese, goats, chikens, cats, dogs, fruits, a river, a cow, a sheep, a pig, a hen, a cock, a farmer.
3. Пісня.
 T. There is a song about domestic animals that live on a farm. Do you know this song? Song “Old Mac Donald”
T. Where does a caw live? (On the farm)
4. Аудіювання. Учні слухають розповідь про село Кириківку. (додаток)
Перевірка розуміння тексту. Групова робота: з поміж запропонованої кількості малюнків вибрати ті, що відповідають тексту. Відтворити зміст тексту за малюнками.(один представник від групи). Розмістити малюнки в такому порядку, в якому вони чули в тексті.
5. Фізкультхвилинка. Аудіювання пісні про дотримання правил дорожнього руху.
 Look out! Look out!
When you cross the street,
Use your eyes, use your ears
Then you use your feet.
6. Перевірка домашнього завдання. Конкурс гідів про Кириківку. Перша група розповідає «Село моєї мрії». Друга – «Зелене село». Третя – «Загадкове село». (Презентації учнів) (додаток,  СД-диск)
7. Проектна робота. Індивідуальний творчий проект «My Street”. На заздалегідь підготовлених макетах учні за допомогою комплектів малюнків відтворюють, що вони бачать на своїй вулиці.
8. Представлення проектів.
ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку.
1.     Домашнє завдання.
Перша група- намалювати малюнок свого села, повторити слова.
Друга – скласти речення про своє село з опорою на таблицю. (картки)
Третя – написати листа другові про своє рідне село.
2.     Підведення підсумків уроку.
Чи сподобався вам урок? Що цікавого ви дізналися? Що найбільше вам сподобалося?
-         I was on excursion.
-         Where did you been?
-         I was in Kyrykivka.
-         What did you see there?
-         I saw … I like the excursion very much.
-         What will you retell your parents about the excursion? (Учні говорять, що їм найбільше сподобалось).
-         Oh, it was very interesting there. I liked … best of all.
-         Our tour has finished, I hope you have enjoyed this tour about Kyrykivka.
-         What places can you name?
-         Do you know any English proverbs?

1. East or West – home is best! It’s time to talk about the best village – Kyrykivka. I live in Kyrykivka. My village stands on the Vorskla river. It is about     years old. It is big and beautiful village. There was a cattle-farm,a pig-farm, a chicken-farm and a big garden in my village. There were many fruit-trees in the garden.
In the centre of the village you can see an old club, an old school, a hospital and many new nice shops. The houses in the village are not high, but they are very nice. Near the houses you can see many trees and flowers. There is a river in our village too. Kyrykivka is a nice settlement.
My name is Ira. I live with my family in Shevchenko street. My street is not long. There are many green trees and flowers in our street. You can see many big houses and a new shop in our street. In my street are many men, women and children. I like it very much. My school is not far from my house.
                                    The house I live in.
My house is on a quiet street. It is large and comfortable. It has got two floors. On the ground floor there is a beautiful living-room, a dining rooom, a modern kitchen and a bathroom. In the living room there is much furniture. There is a cupboard, a bookcase and a piano against the wall. There is a sofa and two armchairs in front of the fireplace. There is a TV in the corner of the room. Upstairs there are five big bedrooms and a small bathroom.
My bedroom is great. I’ve got a bed and a brown carpet on the floor. I’ve also got a small desk, two chairs and an old wardrobe next to the window. The curtain on the window are yello and they make the room bright and nice. There is a mirror and two lovely pictures on the wall.
2.Green village (зелене село) 
Welcome you in Green village. Our village is very big. It is clean and beautiful. The ecological situation is good because there are any plants and factories. It is a village of green trees, gardens and many different flowers.
There is a Centre Park where we can see a rose garden. Beautiful park will make our village nice. Village visitors could spend time in the park.
A nice new club stands in the centre of the village. All people can listen to musik and see concerts of famous singers.
There is a new school.
There is a modern Fashion House. There are a lot of clothes, dresses, coats from Paris. You are welcome to the fashion show. We can meet famous models. They are very nice.
We like our village. We shall wait for you in it.
3.     ( Село моєї мрії)
We live in a big village and do not have a cinema in Kyrykivka. We usually go to big cities to see shows.
I’d like to say that it will be great to have a cinema and a museum there.
Our village will be a big shopping center. There will be a big department store.
As for me, people should wear beautiful clothes. The shops will sell clothes, shoes, hats and other things. I like to go shopping.
To my mind, beautiful shop windows will make the streets of our village more beautiful. We think the most important place in any village or town is a plant where people will work. That’s why our village will have a plant.
I hope the people will be rich and happy because they will have work, money, place to live and many interesting places to go to in their village.


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