Тема: Світ професій
Освітня: повторити й активізувати лексичні одиниці теми.
Практична: продовжувати формувати навички аудіювання, удосконалювати навички монологічного
й діалогічного мовлення, читання й письма.
Розвивальна: розвивати комунікативні здібності, ерудицію учнів.
Виховна: виховувати цілеспрямованість, повагу до представників різних професій,
чуйність у стосунках один з одним.
Обладнання: підручник, картки для індивідуальної роботи, роботи в групах,парах,
тематичні малюнки, мультимедійна дошка, комп’ютер
motto: All professions are useful and interesting.
Вислови: The
more we study, the more we know.
If you never try, you will never know.
Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення
1. Привітання
T. Good morning, children! How are you getting on?
Ps: We are fine, thank you!
T. You look great today!
T. You are out of fashion.
Ps. Thank you.
T. … you are fantastic in your new suit!
What a pretty shirt/blouse! It suits you.
Vitaliy, you have a good sence of humour!
Yulia, you have a beautiful smile!
This is very smart jacket. It matches your
Ps. I am a student.
I am a good student.
I am a clever student.
I am a fantastic student.
I am a talented student.
I try to be the best student in the world.
2. T. Sit down, please. Who is on duty today?
Well. Karina is a weather forecaster for today.
Учениця розповідає прогноз погоди.
3. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.
T. The topic of our today’s lesson is “The world of professions”. We’ll practice to use the words about
professions and describe them, we’ll listen
to an interesting text and do many useful tasks. We’ll do exercises, play games and discuss
jobs in groups. Besides, you’ll read texts about people of different
occupations. Be active and attentive!
The motto of our today’s lesson is: All professions are useful and interesting.
4.T. Students, I want that this lesson you are not pupils, you are grow-ups.
You will work very hard and must earn money for yourself.
стерлінгів (англійською pound
sterling) - грошова одиниця
1 фунт = 100 пенсів (англійською pence)
Символ £ (латинською Libra – фунт)
В обігу перебувають банкноти в 5, 10, 20, 50 фунтів;
Монети в 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 пенсів, 1, 2 фунти.
5. Введення в сферу іншомовного мовлення
T. Listen and read the poem “Just me” by Elva Robison about choosing a
Think of the words you could use in the poem
instead of the italicized ones.
Just me
By Elva Robinson
Grown-ups always want to
“What do you want to be
When you grow up?”
I’m never sure what to say,
My answers change every day.
Maybe I’ll be a detective on TV show,
I might be a disk jockey on the radio.
I’ll be a pilot and fly in the sky.
I’ll be a dancer and leap way up high.
I’m never sure what to say,
My answers change every day.
I’ll be an author and write a great book,
I’ll be a chef – the world’s greatest cook.
I’ll be a sailor and sail on the sea.
I think for now, that I’ll be just me.
Suggested words.
Children, often, become adult, often uncertain,
are different, a correspondent, a reporter, a stewardess, a gymnast, a
novelist, a famous, a captain, guess.
6. Перевірка
домашнього завдання. Учні читають перероблений ними
Основна частина уроку
Активізація лексичних одиниць
тем «Вибір професії», «Рід занять людей».
Фонетична зарядка. Phonetic drill.
Let’s improve your pronunciation. I’ll show you some cards with sounds, you
must pronounce and name the professions which begin with it.
spaceman, seller, secretary, singer
cook, clown,
doctor, driver, designer, director, dentist, diplomat
pilot, postman, policeman
worker, waiter, waitress
manage, model
2) Назвати професії (слайд) На дошці малюнки.
3)“Brownstorm round a word”.
Let’s enrich your
vocabulary. Say and write on the board all the words which associate with
“profession”. There are many different professions. Let’s draw Mind Map.
4) Lexical game. Гра «Рейтинг професій». Робота в групах. Working in groups.
T. While entering the classroom everybody got a small piece of
coloured paper. Now if you have got the same colour, join in respective groups.
have got two groups of students;
every group has a particular colour, which will be its name.
group will have a different task on the topic discussed. Choose a secretary, a
time keeper and a presenter in your groups.
The “Yellow” group.
driver, secretary, school teacher, policeman, postman, lawyer, journalist,
university professor, actor, medical nurse, worker, librarian, engineer,
farmer, shop-assistant.
Визначте, які з названих
професій найважливіші для суспільства, а які на вашу думку, менш важливі. І
пронумерувати кожну професію під відповідним номером залежно від її важливості.
Далі учні працюють парами, порівнюючи рейтинг
кожної професії у своїх списках і намагаючись дійти згоди. Там, де це можливо,
учні роблять помітки у своїх списках. У ході групової бесіди вчитель з’ясовує,
які професії учні вважають найбільш важливими, в яких випадках вони не
погодились зі своїми співрозмовниками.
The “Green” group.
the professions which are important,
professions which are popular,
which are interesting.
astronomer, baker, dentist, diplomat, florist, keeper, librarian, singer,
businessman, driver, cook, postman, worker, waiter, policeman, doctor,
secretary, teacher, journalist, actor, engineer, shop-assistant, builder,
stewardess., geologist, film star, computer operator, waiter.
5)T: What professions to your mind are important
and why? Say your sight using a pattern (if you need)
teach children.
treat people.
transport people.
Shop assistants
help us in the shop.
are important
write books.
because they
play in the theatre and films.
sing songs.
compose and play music.
fly into space.
built houses.
6)Tongue twister. Скоромовка.
better, the best,
let it rest
your good is better
your better best.
7) Crossword.
Now we shall do some work.
T. Solve the crossword.
2. A
person who treats ill people is called ______.
3. A
person who looks after people who are sick or hurt is called _______
4. A
person who drives a car is called _______
5. A
person who drives who translates written texts from one language another is
6. A
person bakes bread and buns is called ______
7. A
person who builds houses, plant is called __________
8. A
person who designs ant plans new buildings is called _______
9. A
person who sings songs is called ________
A person who goes in for is called _____
Key: 2- doctor, 3- nurse, 4 –
driver, 5 – translator, 6 – baker, 7 – builder, 8 – architect, 9 – singer, 10 -
What is the key- word.
This person is a journalist.
You are right.
1)T: Tell me
please about this profession.
P: I am a journalist. Учениця розповідає про професію журналіста. (слайд). I have some questions. Учениця задає запитання учням.
profession do you like?
do you want to be?
do you want to work?
is your mother?
is your father?
does your mother work?
2)T. Read the poem, discuss it, why does this person have to do so many
Job description
A very special person,
For a very special post.
Someone who knows how to cook,
(especially beans on toast).
Someone who can clean the house
And drive the children to school,
And buy the food and clothes and shoes
And use most household tools.
A teacher of all subjects,
A referee of all flights,
Who as a relief from boredom,
Is an ‘on call’ nurse at night.
A hairdresser and swimming coach,
At ease with dogs and cats,
(Stick insects, birds and rats!)
Has laundry skills, is a taxi cab,
Makes costumes for school plays.
Who never goes off duty,
And whom no one ever pays.
Daphne Kitching (mother)
3)T. Talk about your family members. How many jobs does mother/father have
during the day?
4)T: What psychological factors for choosing the profession do you know?
5)T: There are a lot of professions for which a good knowledge of a foreign
language is absolutely necessary. What are they?
A policeman
A teacher
A stewardess
6)T: Who want to be a teacher?
P: I want.
7)P: I think all the
people must know English if they want to have a good job.
T: Translate this word into
Ukrainian. (слайд) Translator
P: Перекладач
T: What do you know about
these profession?
P: I think that the work of a
translator is to translate written texts from language into another.
(слайд) Interpreter
P: An interpreter interprets
speeches at different congresses, forums.
T: I agree with you.
Потрібно потрапити в
ритм, рахуючи до 10 і виконуючи певні рухи.
1 – ліва рука на лівому
2 – права рука на
правому стегні
3 – ліва рука на поясі
4- права рука на поясі
5 – ліва рука на голові
6- права рука на голові
7 – ліва рука на плечі
8 – права рука на плечі
9 – ліва рука піднята
10 – права рука піднята
Поплескали в долоні.
4. Well, and now “Profession
T: To begin with let’s recite
our “Profession Chant”. Girls ask questions, Vitalii answer.
Are you going to be a ___ ?
No, I am not.
Are you going to be a ___?
No, I am not. I want to be
a _______ .
5. P: All professions are useful and interesting.
6. PS: My mother is a doctor
mother is a teacher
mother’s shop-assistant
mother’s a book-keeper.
My mother is a worker
Your father is a miner
His father is a builder
Her father is a driver.
professions are important
professions people need.
farmers, builders, teachers,
assistants, engineers,
miners, turners, fitters,
actors and book-keeper.
7. P1: What would you like to be, … ?
P2: I’d like to be a … . учні розповідають про професії.
(Повар/кондитер, бізнес леді, лікар/медсестра, програміст, водій).
8. Writing.
T: Now, use the tables you’ve made up at home to fill in the information about
yourselves. Be ready to speak about yourselves.
(Students work individually or in pairs)
My name
is ____ and I live in ____ . In my
family ______ . At school I study several subjects: _____ . The exam results I have achieved are
_______ . The subject(s) that interest(s) me most is/are ____ because _____
. my hobbies and interests are _______
. I enjoy it/them because ______. In the future I hope to __ and to ______ . I think I would be good at
_______ because _______ .
(Teacher asks all or several students to read
their students to read their stories).
Заключна частина уроку
Dear children,
our game is finished. Now you must count your money and tell me the sum.
most hardworking were … They earned …
and will receive the best marks.
… worked good and will receive good marks.
T: I like to thank you for your work. Thank you for your feelings and
emotions in our lesson.
I hope everyone found interesting useful
information. You can listen to your parents, teacher or friends. But remember:
man is the architect of his own future. So, the only person who makes this
decision is you. I wish you to be successful in the future job.
2. Homework. Домашнє завдання.
down your homework in your day-books:
do ex.1 p.27;
make a dialogue using ex.2.p. 27;
short information about your relatives’ occupations.
T: The lesson is over. You may
have a rest.
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